Cancellation & Refund Policy of Lakes Athletics Association

If you are not happy with your purchase, Lakes Athletics Association (LAA) accepts cancellation requests for any program registration. The cancellation policy is listed below. This policy is subject to change at the sole discretion of LAA. Any conflicts between this Cancellation & Refund Policy and other policies published by LAA shall be resolved by a vote of the LAA Board.


  • 30+ days prior to the program commencement:

    • Requests will receive up to a 100% refund less any applicable processing fees incurred by LAA

  • Less than 30 days prior to the program commencement:

    • Requests will receive up to a 100% refund less fees incurred by LAA including but not limited to processing, equipment, vendor, partner, handling, and other service charges

  • Less than 7 days prior to the program commencement:

    • Requests received within the window of 7 days to program commencement will be subject to a vote by the LAA Board but in no event will the refund result in greater than 50% of the fees being refunded.

LAA is not responsible of purchases for goods or services that participants make with distributors, retail partners, sponsors, vendors, or the concession stand and is not liable for potential refunds from those groups.

In the event LAA is forced to cancel a program/season due to circumstances beyond its control, an account credit will be applied in an amount equal to 100% of the dues paid. Refund requests for a cancelled program/season may be submitted but remain subject to reduction for costs and fees incurred by LAA including but not limited to processing, equipment, vendor, partner, handling, and other service charges. It is the goal of LAA to offer the greatest possible refund that it can for any cancelled program.